Why An Egg A Day?

Zambian child showing the camera an egg

Why an egg a day? It's as simple as it seems.

The first group of people that my husband and I hosted on his family's farm after we returned from our honeymoon was a group from the States. One of the men in the group was a medical doctor. He said something so simple that it stuck with me. "Just an egg a day would change the nutritional deficiencies that I see in the children." Wow! What an easy, attainable change.

Zambia is a farming country and eggs can be found on many street corners. They typically come in a simple cardboard tray with 30 eggs per tray. When we first began reaching out to the village kids, we started out with 30 eggs which is simply one tray of eggs.

Zambian child holding an egg

Every Sunday morning after church, I drive to the same street corner in our town and buy 15 trays of eggs from the same young man. This not only feeds the Sakamana kids, but it supports him, too. Seventy eggs are boiled each afternoon and then placed in a plastic container and put into the refrigerator. The next morning, they are delivered to the lady who runs the before-school nutrition program. Along with a boiled egg, the kids each receive a glass of warm milk - straight from the cows being milked that morning!

Eggs are full of nutrition. An egg is only 77 calories and our Sakamana kids need plenty of energy as they walk twenty to thirty minutes to school. The average child needs between 1200 and 1500 calories per day. We would love to expand to two eggs per day in 2022.

Would you consider supporting us so we can make this possible? Thank you so much.


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.


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